Thursday, August 18, 2011

A Broken Coffee Maker!? I Might Die

I spent the better part of twenty minutes this morning trying to fix my coffee maker because I was convinced it was broken since it wasn't brewing coffee.  My roommate promptly pointed out I had never turned it on.  What a way to start the day.

The BF has left for CT and I am to join him Saturday morning.  I don't know what to do with the next two days since he is gone.  This is rather exciting.  ;-)

I have been doing some extra driving this week because I was convinced something was wrong with my car.  My check engine light came on Sunday morning but then shut right off.  It hasn't come on since then so I'm calling it a wash.  I think all the rain might of tripped the sensor on Sunday.  Here's hoping that's all it was.


  1. Sounds like a Monday morning folly. ;)

    Hope your car stays "fixed". I've been having a few issues too and I hope they are resolved.

  2. Hi there! I came across your blog from My 1/2 Dozen Daily. I'm going on 25 this year, my husband 24. We're in a very similar financial situation as you as far as debt is concerned. I also noticed your goal is to implement a snowball budget. If you don't mind me sharing a a post of my own, here's a breakdown of our own debt & snowball budget. We paid off the first credit card just recently.

  3. hey hey! update the blog! tell us about your new coffee maker LOL


  4. Your blog theme is so attractive just like my girl friend because you have used natural blood color. Love should be expressed in a natural and romantic way. Lovers can die but Love can’t.
