Friday, July 29, 2011

It's Payday!!

Yay!!!  It's finally another payday and my check was higher than I expected :-)  This is the last paycheck for the month so I need to sit down and punch all the numbers together for my net worth.  I am not expecting any miracles here because my absent minded BF told me yesterday that he didn't have enough to pay his phone bill which I thought he did.  With our budget being so tight I wasn't able to pull any money out anything to cover it so I threw it on a credit card.  He is going to pay me back with interest out of his first paycheck. Since I had to pay it I also took the liberty of changing his plan around a little bit (he really doesn't need unlimited text to everyone and their mother) and all in all I saved him about 11 dollars a month.  I could've saved him an extra seven if he had let me drop his insurance that he doesn't need.

Other than that little issue I am excited to say goodbye to July and hello to August.  I have some good overtime opportunities within the first two weeks and I'm chugging along with funding my E-savings account with the extra money :-)

1 comment:

  1. Right there with you ... I am ready to bid July farewell. On to a better month!

