Tuesday, July 26, 2011

These Damn Kids!

There is this women at my job that is always yelling about how the "kids" who work the night shift with us are irresponsible and do nothing but slack at their job.  At first I thought she was just exaggerating the whole thing.  Being that I am not that far off from the age of seventeen and eighteen I thought that there was no way these guys were that lazy but now the more and more I think about it, she is right. 

We are having a special meal served on Thursday night and the uniform is being changed to red, white, and blue for that night only.  When one of our servers found out about this he stormed into the directors office and seriously flipped out because he was going to have wear his own personal clothes that night.  Our director tried to explain that we were going to have polo's for those who needed them but this kid just kept having a melt down.  The director wrote him up and suspended him for a week.

I don't understand where people get off thinking that it is okay to just flip out like that.  We weren't asking for the server to provide anything more than a pair of jeans.  We are supplying the rest of the uniform for that night.  When I was working my first job I would have never thought to flip out on my manager like that.  It wasn't something that I was taught to do.  Working in a state that has an over 10% unemployment rate is a special privilege in today's world and these "kids" don't understand how lucky they are.

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