Wednesday, August 3, 2011

The Roommate Situation

In order to successfully pay all the bills that come with our apartment my BF and I have a roommate.  She has lived with me since we were sophomores in college, but we really don't get along.  I find her to be really annoying and absent minded and I'm sure she thinks I'm controlling and a micro manager.  Even with those things we make terrific roommates, we rarely fight about things and we each have a set list of things to clean that get done without any problems.

When we got our first apartment almost three years ago together (in a time before the BF and I had met) I insisted that all the household bills be in my name.  I pay each bill as it comes up and she reimburses me her share at the end of the month when she gives me the money for rent.  This deal has worked out really well and she has always managed to give me the money on time and without any problems.  I am a little concerned about the end of August though.

A few months ago there was a change of management where she works and she got laid off in a series of events that were completely her fault.  Her new manager said that we don't need your position anymore and asked her to transfer to another area she said no so he laid her off.  I know that she is coming to the end of her savings and when this has happened in the past her mom has bailed her out, but I'm pretty sure her mom cut her off since she has graduated college.  If she can't come up with her share of the rent I really don't know what I'm going to do.  I am pretty sure that I can float this month by just fine it's just it will completely wipe out my E-savings and that really makes me mad.

This just further highlights how stupid I was a few years ago and how much I need to kick my savings into overdrive to really feel secure.


  1. You are 23??? You have so much wisdom beyond your years. I am proud of you, and I know your mama and daddy would be proud too.

  2. Ask! You absolutely have a right to ask your roommate how she intends to pay her end of the month bills. You are doing a great job facing and tackling your debt. Use that same attitude with this situation. You see a potential problem coming- don't duck and let it run you over, lean into it. With kindness, help her understand she needs to met her obligations. Good Luck !

  3. @Cassie, Thank you so much for commenting so I could find your blog. Your advice is awesome and your blog is full of even more wonderful advice.

  4. I agree with Cassie, shes not your child, so not your responsibility. Good luck with this, be sure to stand your ground on whatever you decide! :)
